The power of the human body and its energy is eternal. But it requires yoga, meditati

Meditation and drugs (LSD) part 2

The unconscious must be cleaned. It must not be pre-burdened - it must not have seeds. Sabeej Samadhi is a Samadhi with seeds. A Samadhi with seeds means a Samadhi with your projections. It is not a Samadhi at all. It is just a name-sake. There is another term - Nirbeej Samadhi, a Samadhi which is seedless. Only a seedless Samadhi is Samadhi, which is authentic because there is nothing to be projected. It is not that you are projecting - something has come to you. You have encountered something. You have known something new, completely fresh, absolutely unknown before, not even imagined; because whatsoever you can imagine you can project. So knowledge is a hindrance in Samadhi and a person who is a 'knowing-person', can never reach Samadhi. You must not go burdened with knowledge. You must reach the door of Samadhi completely empty handed, naked, vacant, only then the authentic thing happens. Otherwise, you are meditating with the projections. You have been projecting in me...


We are all sleeping people
... All of us are sleeping around and sleeping, only sleeping.

Buddha used to do a morning discourse. There were ten thousand people gathered Sitting in front a monk shook his toes. Buddha stopped speaking and asked that monk why this toe is shaking your body? As soon as Buddha said this, the toe stopped shaking. That monk said, where do you even fall in the delicate matter! You keep your point Buddha said, no; I will not go ahead without asking that why were you shaking the toe? That monk said, I was not shaking, I did not even remember, I did not even know.
So Buddha said, your thumb is, and it shakes, and you do not know; So are you sleeping or awake? And Buddha said, the toe shakes, you do not know; The mind will move and you will not know. Thoughts will also go and you will not know. Verticals will also arise and you will not know. Are you conscious or unconscious? Are you awake or asleep?
If we look carefully, even when the eyes are open, we can not tell ourselves in the senses. At this moment, what our mind is doing is also not known to us precisely. If ever sit in solititude for ten minutes, close the door, and write in the mind on a paper - whatever happens, honestly - then persuade that paper to tell your loved one also Will not be Such things will seem to be moving in the mind that I will feel mad? What are these things that move in the mind? The self will not believe that it is my mind in which all these things are moving!
But we do not look inside, live outside and live. What is going on in mind, I do not even know. And this same mind engages us in all the actions. The anger arises from this mind, the cravings arise from this mind, the work begins with this mind. We never see this deep in the mind, nor do we awaken in the deepest of this mind. Whatever moves, it moves. Mechanical, sleeping, we all do
If you have ever been angry, then you can hardly say that I have been angry. You have to say this, the anger has come. To this day no man has been angry, anger has always come. You are not the doer of anger, you are the victim of anger, you are the victim. If you remember the whole life, then you can not say that I had once been angry. In anger, you were not the master in doing. If you were a boss, you would not have done it. A man does not fall into the pit knowingly. It falls, this is the second point. Someone has never even got angry by knowing someone ever It gets angry, this is another thing. The anger decreases, the anger we do not do. So are we sleeping or awake?
And in relation to love, people say that love has not happened, it has happened. But what does it mean that love has happened? This means that like the winds move and the leaves of the tree shake, the winds, like the clouds come in the sky and the winds where they are blown away, they go away, constrained. In the same way, within our mind, emotions arise in love, anger, hatred, and we are constrained and moving with them? Do not we have any ties? We are not your boss?


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Meditation and drugs (LSD) part 2

Meditation and drugs (LSD)